Execute a mutator

Once you have configured a mutator, you are ready to edit the user data and consents in your store. This can be done by executing the mutator.

How to execute a mutator

There are two ways to execute a mutator:

  • Call the ExecuteMutator API
  • Download and deploy your tenant's code-generated UserClouds SDK, and call the mutator using its SDK function name

To successfully call a mutator, you pass:

  • An array of SelectorValues, which are evaluated by the mutator's selector to define which users should be edited
  • The raw user data and consents, which will be normalized and saved to the store
  • (Optional) Client context data, which might be checked by the access policy

What happens when you execute a mutator

When you execute a mutator, the following steps happen in sequence:

  1. The mutator's access policy is evaluated at a global level
  2. If the access policy passes, the mutator selects the relevant user records, according to the selector values passed in context and its selector clause
  3. For each selected record, the access policy is evaluated at the record level
  4. For records where access is granted, the mutator validates and normalizes the inbound data
  5. The normalized data and associated consents are saved to the store