Execute an accessor

Once you have configured an accessor, you are ready to access user data in your store. This can be done by executing the accessor.

How to execute an accessor

There are two ways to execute a mutator:

  • Call the ExecuteAccessor API
  • Download and deploy your tenant's code-generated UserClouds SDK, and call the accessor using its SDK function name

To successfully call an accessor, you pass:

  • An array of SelectorValues, which are evaluated by the accessor's selector to define which users' data should be read
  • (Optional) Client context data, which might be checked by the access policy

What happens when you execute an accessor

When you execute an accessor, the following steps happen in sequence:

  1. The accessor selects the relevant user records, according to the selector values passed in context and its selector clause
  2. For each selected record, the access policy is evaluated at the record level. Records for which access it not granted are filtered out of the response.
  3. For each remaining record and column, the purpose of the accessor is checked against the user's consents in that column. Column values for which consent has not been given are filtered out.
  4. For each remaining record and column, the accessor transforms the user data according to the accessor's configuration
  5. The accessor returns the transformed data